Home:ALL Converter>[wireshark]how to use a plug-in to dissect a packet

[wireshark]how to use a plug-in to dissect a packet

Ask Time:2013-05-29T02:22:14         Author:Ruoxing Sun

Json Formatter

our team is currently working on building a wireshark dissector which dissect a certain type of packet. we have build our packet based on a template.

Say the name of the plug in we build is ABC, now our goal is that whenever we type ABC in the filter box in wireshark, we want to see(capture) the packet we sent. enter image description here

As you may see in the image, if we filter it by ip.destination, wireshark knows these are the packet we are interested in. the current task is that when I type the plug-in name ABC, I want the same result.

I do apologize if the question is not crystal clear, we just get started and still in a initial phase. Any tip or suggestion is GREATLY GREATLY appreciated!

Author:Ruoxing Sun,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/16798851/wiresharkhow-to-use-a-plug-in-to-dissect-a-packet